Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The 26/11 Mumbai Carnage has put forwarded many questions whether our government was so afraid of two ungrateful countries namely Bangladesh and Pakistan. If not, why they were hesitating to an all out attack including military option. Other say, was there any government at all to protect the interest of its citizens? Why the country will remain soft on the question of infiltration into our sacred land by the enemies? How long appeasement politics at the cost of our country will continue? Why not there will be a national government at least for 5 years to deal some burning problems? Why enemies will find place in disunity of our democratic political parties? Why not enemies mixed with our people shall be identified and eliminated in national interest? Why they will not be driven out of our land? Why patriotic Indians will be rated at per with those enemy infiltrators and Muslim fanatics? Why there will not be a national understanding in all major issue?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mumbai - a blood for blood

In this hour of crisis of human civilisation, let's not only depend upon God but in intelligence and courage of the civil society. Muslim fanaticism once pampered by the CIA to defeat the communists has now turned to Frankenstein is out to destroy the non Muslim civil society throughout the world. Barak Obama termed it a hateful ideology. No sensible person in the world finds justification in indiscriminately eliminating people by a handfull but highly trained Musim terrorists in non Muslim land like one that has shooked Mumbai yesterday night. I call upon those humanities in Muslim community to come forward, raise voice and eliminate those criminals and those who sheltered those killers. Let's pray for good sense to prevail. Let's pray those whose lives ended in cowards hands.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

And this is life

A wild bird is caught in the net. Its legs and wings have become idle. It lives in fear. It cant sing and dance in the blue sky. Its colours are faded. Only God has watched its creature's tears. The catchers are proud to have such a beautiful bird for showing others.
Every human being has been created by the nature for contributing back to its creator and to make the life meaningful. For doing so, it possess quality, a thinking mind, a passion and a physical strength. Few only utilise these and most do not. Most are not permitted by the environment they live in despite having their possibilities. That's the reality.
If I could meet God, I may have a humble question why He has created me with so much qualities and possibilities for nothing? Just to live with pains and sorrows?

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Global Financial Crisis

Let's discuss who are the beneficiaries and who are the losers in the current global financial crisis. Why financial institutions (FIs) in US, EU nations including UK have gone bankrupt is largely because of non-refund of billions of dollars withdrawn from these FIs by the multinationals and transnational companies in these countries. Secondly, large scale lending and non-payment of personal loans by a large population have made shortage of capital. Over dependence on IT based financial accounting with numerous demerits, funding for weapons, bombs and other war machines applied in Iraq, Afghanistan and other African and Latin American nations, rampant corruption and luxurious expenditure by the personnel concerned resulting in meltdown in financial system in those FIs.
And there is a pious call by the leaders of G-7 nations for generous funding to compensate lose by these American and European Banks, Insurance companies and other FIs, many of them have started eating out money from Indian market through setting up its offices. The message is the same for G-20 countries too. Not to discuss the fate of other poor nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America, the people in these countries will be the ultimate and worse sufferers. In order to ensure regular capital inflow into those MNCs and TNCs, the existence of those FIs has been felt essential by Uncle Sam and his stooges. With the strong bail-out package for these bankrupt FIs made through the tax payers money, the US imperialism will sustain for world policing.
I fully endorse the view of a Nobel laureate who recently bagged Nobel in economics. He questioned the fundamentals of the market economy. He opined the monetary system may cheer temporarily with the infusion of government fund into these lose making FIs including Banks in US, EU and allied countries. In future, the crisis will again engulf these lose making FIs and monetary system as a whole. However, the Indian Finance Minister viewed opposite, "the present crisis has nothing to do with the fundamentals of market economy, it was nothing but liquidity shortage of those failed banks. Nothing to be worried for India."
But British government realised the demerits of free market economy. It has infused fund into their lose making Banks but with stringent controls include posting of government administrators and the process of nationalisation of those bankrupt banks in UK is near complete. Thus Indira Gandhi was recalled and yet again her move of nationalisation of Indian private banks in seventies proved to be justified. It was because of the then Congress government at the centre headed by late Mrs. Gandhi, our bank deposits are safe now.
I hope the present leaders in the government would learn lesson from the past and desist from any move for de-nationalisation of the Indian Banks and insist review of fundamentals of liberal market economy as a whole in public interest. We the citizens are interested to know from our union government why big fishes who eaten out thousand of crores of rupees from the our nationalised banks should not be caught and their properties confiscated immediately in order to reduce NPA of those defaulting banks?

Friday, October 10, 2008

The Festival

True is this that entire holidays during this month I spent at home without doing any creative work. I thought I'll be visiting Bankura to observe some archaeological excavated spot, but that could not be materialised. Some opposition came from within. What to do?
I was concerned to watch world economic recession because of bankruptcy of some US financial institutions and some other in European zones. The bail-out package for all these by their respective governments failed cheer the market. It is necessary to analysis the actual reason for such crisis. Which policies of the imperialist nations are responsible? Who the parties those are going to gain out of such crisis? Where (India) we stand? People should thinks about. I'll let you know after some time.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In Search of Mystery of Universe

Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva is in news today. The LHC is a research facility organised by CERN laboratory for advance nuclear physics. As the world’s highest energy particle accelerator, it has provided new insights into the mysteries of our universe on 10th September. And the scientists claimed to make a major break-through for a new invention. Collusion of Proton with Proton and creation of particles through which new windows in scientific research are expected to be opened.
Indian scientists associated to Meghnath Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics say the broken particles of Protons through research will deliver numerous by-products those would benefit the commoners in a larger way. Even the commodity markets will be cheaper reducing the tension of the common men world over. The information technology will be more cheaper than ever before.
I am proud of my country's scientific theories (Boson theory of great and late Prof. Satyendra Nath Bose originally hail from Decca of erstwhile East Bengal) and present scientists associated to Saha Institute in Calcutta have actively contributed to this great project.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Zero Tolerance

Once Marx wrote the proletariat have nothing to lose but to win the world. The have-nots of all faiths dreamt for a new world where all inhuman sufferings will end. But Mullahs of Islam could not be inspired. Their influence in the Muslim community was (is) so strong they were largely successful in keeping the community out of touch from the philosophy of the communist. While the Christians, Hindus or Buddhists were attracted in larger number and also their nations were converted to communism, the Muslims particularly Arab world, Africa or other Muslim dominated Asian nations remained insensitive to the communism. Muslim living as a minority in countries also preferred to live in isolation in the last century and they were made to believe that their prophet Muhammad delivered everything in the middle age what scientific socialism in modern day world failed to offer. In other word, communists were seen as enemy of Islam.
Muslims were made to believe of an world fully converted to Islam and co-existence with others was not tenable. In order to concur the world and to fly the flag of Islam, violence was the only mean to perish all non Muslims wherever possible. The much talked about peace initiative of Muhammad through a non aggression treaty with Jews in Arabian desert was only to strengthen its network and consolidate its force to eliminate non-believers of Islam as the middle age history speaks in clear terms.
The fall of Byzantine civilization in Constantinople is a shame in the world history. Constantinople being the secular state was famous for practice of advance learning and culture that contributed much in progress of world civilization. The Muslims invasion and massacre destroyed the Byzantine civilization only to spread Islam and nothing else. The destruction has resulted in complete darkness in Arabian peninsula shattering progress of mankind. In theory or practice, violence was considered as the only tool to sustain and concur the world through Jihad. Hence Talibanisation being the more violent and aggressive form of Islam is inseparable from the core concept of Quran.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Naughty Growth

July has made me suffer a lot. My naughty kid was about to be fired from school. Somehow I've managed it. He is almost saved this time but on some conditions. The possibilities of his edu. carrier were about to be damaged just for his extreme naughty conduct. Now he has realised and felt how his poor dad was humiliated! God bless this naughty but good boy! And this is life- ha ha ha.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In Hospital

On 7th I was admitted in a city hospital with severe breathing problem and sore throat etc. It was a good old doctor who has rescued me from the danger of life. But a cruel condition was imposed on me by the doc not to smoke a single cigarette Oh God! I am indebted to you and my good wife and my son. I am back in business again.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Patriot

Its a dream of my childhood to be a true patriot. My beloved mother sitting on the room- floor often sang song of Lata Mangeshker - Ek bar bidaye de ma ghure ashi ( Oh! mother, bid me a goodbye to return to you), a Bengali song composed in the name of a young martyr (Khudiram) who was executed to death by the British colonial power in India. Her tune was so beautiful that touched the heart of a boy. I felt how cruel and inhuman the British was! I was thrilled to hear from my father the stories of a freedom fighter like Subhas Bose against the British misrule.
Then the spring thunder stormed India in the beginning of my youth. A group of a political people started chanting slogans to further liberate India from the stooges of the British left to rule the country. In fact the trouble brewed from the Terai region of North Bengal while a group of landless tribal people bravely fought against feudal lords-police nexus to liberate themselves and their cultivated land. Being inspired from the battle, urban youths under the leadership of some ultra-Marxists spread the movement to nook and corner of our country during seventies.
There was hardly a young guy who was unmoved by the tide of the time. Later it was realised the entire struggle was mismanaged that had cost thousands of innocent and unarmed lives under attacks by the police, military and violent cadres of authorised political parties.I still hold the opinion that the movement was kind of a renaissance particularly in art and culture. But the movement grossly failed to make any political impact in the country by and large. Yet the political culture is still being practised in some jungle areas of the country in protracted form leaving localities to play by the parliamentary parties and rule the people through elections. And this is the ultimate outcome of such an ultra-left movement of seventies.
Its a painful to consider the ultimate outcome of such violent movement. I don't think the love for the countrymen and to fight to overcome their sufferings through any means can be useless. Yes, they miserably failed. But whatever my friend-patriots dreamt and sacrificed to end the tyranny of the proletariat living in Asia, Africa and Latin America will not remain unfulfilled in future. Myself is far away from my friend-patriots and leading a life now only to meet the needs of my kids and surroundings. I'm not living like a true patriot, yet I live only to keep my dreams alive.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A failure father

Believe it or not its rare to listen from a man he remains successful in fathering his kids. Its stupidity on any one's part to find out actual reason for his failure. Some people say counselling to his kids makes a difference. Again mistaken! Counselling from one or two sides to the kids cant resist polutants of multiple sides they receive from time to time. Science makes us believe that genetic development of a child shapes his behaviour. The difference can be seen in behaviour of two sons of a father. Helplessness of a matured, responsible and honest father could be noticed in the matter. Its pitty the society would brand him a failure father. Now assess how much credit should therefore go to the socalled successful fathers.