Its only seven more months are left for
me to see the last day of my service to my organization that extended me
with bread and butter for so many years. But I am not feeling happy
right now as my organization rolls in tears as half of my colleagues are
forcibly transferred to thousand miles far from their place of posting
in the city of Kolkata. They are unnecessary blamed as incompetent and
irrelevant to their present place of posting, hence transferred
to other offices what could not be understood to how those persons
could deliver result being so incompetent. Answer lies in the corridors
of Delhi babus wielding whips at the behest of some political touts. Let
my colleagues breath with pain. No matter. Let their vested interests
be fulfilled. Let colleagues' families cry for fear of immense
sufferings either to settle in an unknown environment or live as
unwanted there. The bureaucrats are there to serve as a set of faithful
spoons and nothing else. This is Indian culture, I am afraid.
My wife felt embarrassed to find my lead role even at this stage of
service life as why I raised my strong objection to the above misdeeds
when my contemporaries safe sided themselves, but I could not resist
myself to come forward in support of my younger colleagues in the office
today. I tried to pacified her that I was ready to face any eventuality
to uphold the truth. I am ready to face anything that comes in my way
even at the cost of life. I shall not allow few renegades to dominate
those innocent but faithful people committed to their organization of
which I am a part also. So, this is a part of ones life and one has to
accept the reality without any hesitation.